Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A Message From Angi Swan

As announced in church last Sunday, it is with bittersweet emotion that I have chosen to resign as The Celebration Singers choir director, a wonderfully fulfilling position I have held since 2008. In the past fourteen years I have grown professionally and spiritually from this, my first choir directorship. More importantly I have grown from my connections with the people of FUMCO, including my faithful and caring choir members, the staff, musicians, and the loving congregation. I am eternally grateful for the experience and joy with which this position has blessed me, not to mention the wonderful friendships gained along the way.
But this isn’t goodbye! I plan to stay on the FUMCO staff leading the song team when needed, and being a part of the congregation. I look forward to working with our new pastoral team.
Stay tuned for information coming soon about what’s next for Celebration Singers!"

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