Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Join the Visioning Team

A mistranslation in the King James Version of the Bible reads like this, “Without vision the people perish.” While this translation doesn’t really capture the meaning of the original Hebrew words, the sentiment is a true one. When we don’t have a mission or purpose we flounder.
This is true for individuals, but also for the church. Who are we as a community and what do we value? What is the specific purpose to which God has called us in this time and place? God’s will is not static, moving instead with the flow of the Spirit to empower the church to be the presence of Christ in our community.

The work of visioning, or discerning God’s call for our time and place, is holy work. We are about to embark on that work through the formation of a Visioning Team. This team will spend time in prayer, listening to the congregation, listening to our larger community, and asking questions about who we are currently and who God is calling us to be.

We will meet about once a month with some email work done in between meetings. This is an ad-hoc team, meaning that when our work is done we will disband. The visioning work should last about nine months so our work should conclude around June of 2023.

If this sounds intriguing to you, or you feel the nudge of the Spirit to participate, you can contact the church office or Pastor Heather:

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