Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Pastor Peter's Thank You

Dear ones:
I awakened on Monday morning bright and early with the realization that I was really and truly retired. The emotions of Sunday's amazing send off still swirled in my heart and mind. Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude at your heartfelt and most generous celebration of my ministry among you and to the church for the better part of four decades. Thank you so much for the treasured gifts and notes. The funds will make our journey East easier and add a couple of lenses to my camera bag!
I have been well and truly blessed to have known and loved you all, dear saints of the Olympia church. You shall always be a part of my story and a focus of my prayers. May you live and love in the grace of God.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Pastor Peter
Enjoy this 3-minute slideshow to view some highlights of Pastor Peter’s last Sunday of worship and retirement picnic on June 26. If you missed the longer “Happy Retirement” video that was shared at the picnic, showcasing well-wishes from our church family, you can also view that here. Much gratitude and appreciation to Donna Gaddy, SPRC chairperson, and all those who made Pastor Peter’s last Sunday such a special one!

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