Written in the Stars - Advent
Our recent developments in satellite imagery have expanded our ability to observe and track the movement of stars, galaxies, gas giants, novas, and planets. It’s captivating to see these tools at work and inspiring to the vast nature of our universe. It’s also daunting. What does it mean to be this small part of something bigger? Does any of our research about space matter when our own tiny existence on earth is so busy, fraught, and threatened?
As we look towards another Advent season, we can look to the cosmos to learn something about how Christ is coming to us anew. Just like we use tools like telescopes, satellites, and cameras to capture, observe, and participate in interstellar life, we can use spiritual tools to anticipate, seek, and witness Christ's coming in our own neighborhoods. Tools like community devotion and worship, ministry and mission, justice and advocacy, mutual caring and ally-ship. These are just some of the ways that we can see Christ written into the stars of our hearts and our neighborhoods. As we enter a time of waiting, anticipation, and preparation, let’s look for God’s glory as we look to the stars, explore the “tools” of Advent, and come together as people of God heralding Jesus’ birth in our settings.
As we look towards another Advent season, we can look to the cosmos to learn something about how Christ is coming to us anew. Just like we use tools like telescopes, satellites, and cameras to capture, observe, and participate in interstellar life, we can use spiritual tools to anticipate, seek, and witness Christ's coming in our own neighborhoods. Tools like community devotion and worship, ministry and mission, justice and advocacy, mutual caring and ally-ship. These are just some of the ways that we can see Christ written into the stars of our hearts and our neighborhoods. As we enter a time of waiting, anticipation, and preparation, let’s look for God’s glory as we look to the stars, explore the “tools” of Advent, and come together as people of God heralding Jesus’ birth in our settings.
What's Included In This Series?
If you purchase the Worship Series, you receive:
All of this plus the graphics are available in the ‘Bundle.’
- The Series Overview
- Visio Divina
- Advent Candle Lighting Liturgy
- Storytelling Prompts
- Sermon Fodder
- Music Suggestions
- Visual Arts Suggestions
All of this plus the graphics are available in the ‘Bundle.’