Anti-Racist Film Club
The Anti Racist Film Club podcast is a monthly conversation about films which highlight stories of Black people, Indigenous People or People of Color (BIPOC) in order to grow together in our intercultural competency, awareness of systemic racism, and our role as people of faith in the work of anti-racism. ARFC is a ministry of the South Sound United Methodist Co-operative... but we also just like movies too.
And now You can host your own Anti-Racist Film Club Discussion with these discussion questions for all the movies we've screened so far!
And now You can host your own Anti-Racist Film Club Discussion with these discussion questions for all the movies we've screened so far!
What's Included In This Package?
If you purchase this resource you will receive:
- Discussion Questions
- Family Friendly (8 movies rated either G or PG)
- PG-13+ (10 movies rated PG-13 or R)
- Links to episodes of the ARFC podcast
- As an example of how to have anti-racist conversations about film