Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A Global Ministry

Our United Methodist Connection

First United Methodist Church is part of the global United Methodist denomination. Every United Methodist Church is related to other churches through a "connection" of conferences and districts. We are a part of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference and the Crest to Coast District. Our Greater Episcopal Area includes the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Our pastors are clergy members of the annual conference and are appointed to serve here by the resident bishop.

United Methodists are organized by the Book of Discipline, a guide for ministry that helps us create common ministries while embracing a broad spectrum of theological viewpoints. Current conflicts in the Untied Methodist Church worldwide are centered in a few paragraphs in this Book of Discipline regarding human sexuality. First Olympia is a Reconciling Congregation, supportive of the full inclusion of all people, and is seeking to change these passages in the Discipline by our witness. We pray that together the United Methodist church is always striving to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to put our discipleship into action and transform the world.

For more information, explore the links below:

The United Methodist Church – Official website for denomination
The 2016 Book of Discipline Online – Free online text
Pacific Northwest Annual Conference – Free online text
Crest to Coast District
United Methodist Committee on Relief – The global United Methodist disaster relief agency